Paul M. Jones

Don't listen to the crowd, they say "jump."

Considering Typehints As Communication

Typehints help communicate across time and space, to people who may never meet you or who might not be able to interrogate you about your code, so those people can understand how you expect the code to work.

Adding typehints is a succinct, more-complete form of communication than not-adding them. (It is rare, perhaps impossible, for all communication can be fully complete all the time.)

Further, you don't know in advance which parts of the codebase are going to last for a long time, and which are going to be replaced in relatively short order. It's probably better to to add the typehints when you know what they are, rather than to wait and see if you'll "need" them later.

Typehints can be considered low-cost mistake-proofing against misunderstanding in an obvious place (i.e., where they are used), without having to look elsewhere ("just read the tests!" [groan]).

Solving The "Widget Problem" In ADR

The “widget problem” is when you have several panels or content areas on an HTML page that have different data sources. You might have a main content area, then a calendar off to the side, with perhaps a list of recent news items or blog posts, a todo or reminder widget, and maybe other information panels. The problem is that they each have different data sources, and may not always be displayed in every circumstance -- perhaps they are only shown to some users based on their preferences, or under certain conditions.

So how, in Action-Domain-Responder, do we get the “right” data for the set of widgets that are actually going to be displayed? (We’ll presume here that the entire page is being rendered server-side, for delivery as a whole to the client.)

The answer is “the same as with anything else” – we just have more kinds of data to get from the domain. The domain has all the data needed, and the knowledge necessary to figure out which data elements to return.

Let’s start with the Action, which is intentionally very spare: it only collects input, calls the Domain with that input, then invokes the Responder:

class PageAction
    public function __construct(
        PageService $domain,
        PageResponder $responder
    ) {
        $this->domain = $domain;
        $this->responder = $responder;

    public function __invoke(HttpRequest $request)
        $payload = $this->domain->fetchPageData(
        return $this->responder->respond($request, $payload);

The domain work is where the heavy lifting happens. The example below returns the domain objects and data wrapped in a Domain Payload object.

class PageService
    // presume $userService, $sessionService, and $database
    // dependencies are injected via constructor

    public function fetchPageData($sessionId, $pageName)
        $session = $this->sessionService->resume($sessionId);
        $user = $this->userService->fetch($session->userId);

        // the main page data
        $mainData = $this->fetchMainData($pageName);
        if (! $mainData) {
            return new Payload('NOT_FOUND');

        // an array of widgets to show
        $widgets = [];

        // different users might prefer to see different widgets
        foreach ($user->getWidgetsToShow() as $widgetName) {
            $method = "fetch{$widgetName}Data";
            $widgets[$widgetName] = $this->$method();


        return new Payload('FOUND', [
            'user' => $user,
            'page_name' => $pageName,
            'main_data' => $mainData,
            'widgets' => $widgets

    protected function fetchMainData($page_name)
        return $this->database->fetchRow(
            "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE page_name = ? LIMIT 1",

    protected function fetchTodoData() { ... }

    protected function fetchRemindersData() { ... }

    protected function fetchUpcomingEventsData() { ... }

    protected function fetchCalendarData() { ... }


Finally, the Responder work becomes as straightforward as: “Is there Todo data to present? Then render the Todo widget via a Todo helper using the Todo data.” It could be as simple as this:

class PageResponder
    // ...

    public function respond(Request $request, Payload $payload)
        if ($payload->getStatus() == 'NOT_FOUND') {
            return new Response(404);

        $output = $payload->getOutput();

        $html = '';
        $html .= $this->renderHeader($output['page_name'];
        $html .= $this->renderNav();
        $html .= $this->renderMain($output['main_data']);

        foreach ($output['widgets'] as $widgetName => $widgetData) {
            $method = "render{$widgetName}Html";
            $html .= $this->$method($widgetData);

        return new Response(200, $html);

    protected function renderHeader($request, $pageName) { ... }

    protected function renderNav($request) { ... }

    protected function renderMain($request, $mainData) { ... }

    protected function renderTodoHtml($request, $widgetData) { ... }

    protected function renderRemindersHtml($request, $widgetData) { ... }

    protected function renderUpcomingEventsHtml($request, $widgetData) { ... }

    protected function renderCalendarHtml($request, $widgetData) { ... }

One alternative here is for some client-side Javascript to make one additional call per widget or panel to retrieve widget-specific data, then render that data on the client. The server-side work becomes less complex (one action per widget, and transform the data to JSON instead of HTML) – but the client-side work becomes more complex, and you have more HTTP calls back-and-forth to build the page.

Avoid Dependency Injection

At least, avoid it when building DDD Aggregates:

Dependency injection of a Repository or a Domain Service into an Aggregate should generally be viewed as harmful. The motivation may be to look up a dependent object instance from inside the Aggregate. The dependent object could be another Aggregate, or a number of them. ... Preferably, dependent objects are looked up before an Aggregate command method is invoked, and passed into it.

... Take great care not to add unnecessary overhead that could be easily avoided by using other design principles, such as looking up dependencies before an Aggregate command method is invoked, and passing them into it.

This is only meant to warn against injecting Repositories and Domain Services into Aggregate instances. Of course, dependency injection is still quite suitable for many other design situations. For example, it could be quite useful to inject Repository and Domain Service references into Application Services.

-- "Implementing Domain Driven Design", Vaughn Vernon, p 387.

On a related note, regarding where Entity validation logic goes, we have this ...

Validation is a separate concern and should be the responsibility of a validation class, not a domain object.

-- ibid., p 208

... and this ...

Embedding validation logic inside an Entity give it too many responsibilities. It already has the responsibility to address domain behavior as it maintains its state.

-- ibid., p 212

... but then we see this:

How do clients ensure that Entity validation occurs? And where does validation processing begin? One way places a validate() method on all Entities that require validation. ... Any Entity can safely have its validate() method invoked. ...

However, should Entities actually validate themselves? Having its own validate() method doesn't mean the Entity itself performs validation. Yet, it does allow the Entity to determine what validates it, relieving clients from that concern:

public class Warble extends Entity {
    public void Validate(ValidationNotificationHandler aHandler) {
        (new WarbleValidator(this, aHandler)).validate();

... The Entity needs to know nothing about how it is validated, only that it can be validated. The separate Validator subclass also allows the validation process to change at a diferent pace from the Entity and enables complex validations to be thoroughly tested.

-- ibid., p 214-215

It seems like a small step after that to inject a fully-constructed validation object into the Entity at construction time, and have the validate() method call that, instead of creating a new validation object inside the Entity.

Choose Dependency Injection — If You Can

Some people say, "You don't need to use dependency injection for everything. Sometimes dependency injection is not the best choice."

It occurs to me that the people who say this are the ones who can't use it for everything. They say "choose what's best for your situation", but their situation precludes the use of dependency injection in the first place.

Anyone who says "X is not always the best choice", but does not have X as an available option, is being disingenuous. They are not choosing against X based on an examination of the tradeoffs involved. Instead, they are making a virtue out of necessity, then posing as virtuous for not having better choices available.

Dependency injection is, by default and until proven otherwise, the best choice -- when you have that choice available to you.

If that choice is not available to you, if you cannot construct an object using any form of dependency injection (constructor injection, setter injection, etc.), then you need to consider if the code in question has been designed poorly.

Atlas.Orm 2.0 Is Now Stable

I am very happy to announce that Atlas, a data-mapper for your persistence layer in PHP, is now stable for production use! There are no changes, other than documentation updates, since the beta release two weeks ago.

You can get Atlas from Packagist via Composer by adding ...

    "require": {
        "atlas/orm": "~2.0"

... to your composer.json file.

The updated documentation site is at (with both 1.x and 2.x documentation).

Submit issues and pull requests as you see fit!

A Few Right Ways, But Infinitely More Wrong Ways

A response to the saying: "There's no one 'right' way to do things. There are different ways of doing something that are 'right'. So stop criticizing my chosen way of doing things -- you cannot prove that it is wrong."

For any question, there is a certain number of right answers, but an infinite number of wrong ones.

Likewise, there may be more than one right way, but that number is small in comparison to the infinite number of wrong ways.

Each right way is ephemeral and contingent, and has its own tradeoffs.

Each right way is dependent on your current understanding as applied to your current circumstances.

As your understanding changes with experience, and as your circumstances change over time, the way that is thought to right will also change.

Sometimes that means realizing that your earlier understanding was wrong.

The novice says: "My new idea cannot be wrong, because there is no one right way."

The master asks: "Is it more likely that I have a new way that is better, or a new way that is worse?"

The novice demands "proof" that their way is wrong.

The master asks which ways are "better" and which are "worse", and picks the best one for the situation.

Sometimes the best way is still "bad", but better than all the others; the master knows this, and does not defend it as "right."

Thomas Aquinas on Immigration

Immigration should have as its goal integration, not disintegration or segregation. The immigrant should not only desire to assume the benefits but the responsibilities of joining into the full fellowship of the nation. By becoming a citizen, a person becomes part of a broad family over the long term and not a shareholder in a joint stock company seeking only short-term self-interest.

Secondly, Saint Thomas teaches that immigration must have in mind the common good; it cannot destroy or overwhelm a nation.

This explains why so many Americans experience uneasiness caused by massive and disproportional immigration. Such policy artificially introduces a situation that destroys common points of unity and overwhelms the ability of a society to absorb new elements organically into a unified culture. The common good is no longer considered.

Source: What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration? -

I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.

Then, my colleagues and I at FiveThirtyEight spent three months analyzing all 33,000 lives ended by guns each year in the United States, and I wound up frustrated in a whole new way. We looked at what interventions might have saved those people, and the case for the policies I’d lobbied for crumbled when I examined the evidence. The best ideas left standing were narrowly tailored interventions to protect subtypes of potential victims, not broad attempts to limit the lethality of guns.

Source: I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise. - The Washington Post

Scribes Seek Status

Nothing is so unsettling to a social order as the presence of a mass of scribes without suitable employment and an acknowledged status…The explosive component in the contemporary scene is not the clamor of the masses but the self-righteous claims of a multitude of graduates from schools and universities. This army of scribes is clamoring for a society in which planning, regulation, and supervision are paramount and the prerogative of the educated.

Expanded credentialism ("education" without experience), especially in writing professions, is destructive of social order. Source: Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Hoffer on Scribes and Bureaucrats

Atlas.Orm 2.0.0-beta1 Released

I am very happy to announce that I have just released 2.0.0-beta1 of Atlas, a data mapper for your SQL persistence model. You can get it via Composer as atlas/orm. This new major version requires PHP 7.1 and uses typehints, but best of all, it is backwards compatible with existing 1.x generated Atlas classes!


The original motivation for starting the 2.x series was an edge-case bug. Atlas lets you open and manage transactions across multiple connections simultaneously; different table classes can point to different database connections. Atlas also lets you save an entire Record and all of its related fields with a single call to the persist() Mapper or Transaction method.

However, in 1.x, executing a Transaction::persist() call does not work properly when the relationships are mapped across connections that are not the same as the main Record. This is because the Transaction begins on the main Record connection, but does not have access to the connections for related records, and so cannot track them.

Admittedly, this is an uncommon operation, but ought to be supported properly. The only way to fix it was to break backwards compatibility on the Table and Transaction classes, both on their constructors and on their internal operations, by introducing a new ConnectionManager for them to use for connection and transaction management.


As long as backwards compatibility breaks were going to happen anyway, that created the opportunity to upgrade the package to use PHP 7.1 and typehints. But even with that in mind …

  • You do not need to modify or regenerate any classes generated from 1.x (although if you have overridden class methods in custom classes, you may need to modify that code to add typehints).

  • Atlas 2.x continues to use Aura.Sql and Aura.SqlQuery 2.x, so you do not need to change any queries from Atlas 1.x.

  • You do not need to change any calls to AtlasContainer for setup.

So, the majority of existing code using Atlas 1.x should not have to change at all after upgrading to 2.x.


There are some minor but breaking changes to the return values of some Atlas calls; these are a result of using typehints, especially nullable types.

First, the following methods now return null (instead of false) when they fail:

  • Atlas::fetchRecord()
  • Atlas::fetchRecordBy()
  • Mapper::fetchRecord()
  • Mapper::fetchRecordBy()
  • MapperSelect::fetchRecord()
  • RecordSet::getOneBy()
  • RecordSet::removeOneBy()
  • Table::fetchRow()
  • Table::updateRowPerform()
  • TableSelect::fetchOne()
  • TableSelect::fetchRow()

Checking for loosely false-ish return values will continue to work in 2.x as it did in 1.x, but if you were checking strictly for false you now need to check strictly for null – or switch to loose checking. (Note that values for a missing related record field are still false, not null. That is, a related field value of null still indicates “there was no attempt to fetch a related record,” while false still indicates “there was an attempt to fetch a related record, but it did not exist.”)

Second, the following methods will now always return a RecordSet, even when no records are found. (Previously, they would return an empty array when no records were found.)

  • Atlas::fetchRecordSet()
  • Atlas::fetchRecordSetBy()
  • Mapper::fetchRecordSet()
  • Mapper::fetchRecordSetBy()
  • MapperSelect::fetchRecordSet()

Whereas previously you would check for an empty array or loosely false-ish value as the return value, you should now call isEmpty() on the returned RecordSet.

That is the extent of user-facing backwards compatibility breaks.


There is one major new piece in 2.x: the table-level ConnectionManager. It is in charge of transaction management for table operations, and allows easy setting of read and write connections to be used for specific tables if desired.

It also allows for on-the-fly replacement of “read” connections with “write” connections. You can specify that this should…

  • never happen (the default)
  • always happen (which is useful in GET-after-POST situations when latency is high for master-slave replication), or
  • happen only when a table has started writing back to the database (which is useful for synchronizing reads with writes while in a transaction)

Other than that, you should not have to deal with the ConnectionManager directly, but it’s good to know what’s going on under the hood.


Although this is a major release, the user-facing backwards-compatibility changes are very limited, so it should be an easy migration from 1.x. There is very little new functionality, so I’m releasing this as a beta instead of an alpha. I have yet to update the official documentation site, but the in-package docs are fully up-to-date.

I can think of no reason to expect significant API changes between now and a stable release, which should arrive in the next couple of weeks if there are no substantial bug reports.

Thanks for reading, and I hope that Atlas can help you out on your next project!