Paul M. Jones

Don't listen to the crowd, they say "jump."

Atlas ORM Integration with Symfony

Are you using Symfony 4? Do you want to use Atlas with it? We now have a Symfony bundle and Flex recipe that makes installation and integration a breeze. Two commands and one .env file edit, and you’re ready to go:

composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer require atlas/symfony ~1.0

Build out all your mapper files from your database tables with a single command:

php bin/console atlas:skeleton

Then let Symfony inject the Atlas ORM object in your controller or application service constructors automatically (no further configuration needed):

namespace App;

use Atlas\Orm\Atlas;
use App\DataSource\Thread\Thread
use App\DataSource\Thread\ThreadRecord;

class ApplicationService
    public function __construct(Atlas $atlas)
        $this->atlas = $atlas;

    public function fetchThreadById($thread_id) : ThreadRecord
        return $this->atlas->fetchRecord(Thread::class, $thread_id);

That’s it – you can now use Atlas for all the heavy lifting of your database work:

If you’re looking for a good persistence model data mapper, give Atlas a try!

Atlas.Orm 3.0 ("Cassini") Now Stable

I am delighted to announce the immediate availability of Atlas.Orm 3.0 ("Cassini"), the flagship package in the Atlas database framework. Installation is as easy as composer require atlas/orm ~3.0.

Atlas.Orm helps you build and work with a model of your persistence layer (i.e., tables and rows) while providing a path to refactor towards a richer domain model as needed. You can read more about Atlas at the newly-updated project site, and you can find extensive background information in these blog posts:

If you want a data-mapper alternative to Doctrine, especially for your pre-existing table structures, then Atlas is for you!

Read the Reddit commentary on this post here.

Atlas.Query: Simple. Sensible. SQL.

I am happy to announce that Atlas.Query is now stable and ready for production
use! Installaton is as easy as composer require atlas/query ~1.0.

With Atlas.Query and any PDO instance, you can build and execute your queries in a single fluent series of method calls:

use Atlas\Query\Select;

$rows = Select::new($pdo)
    ->where('id IN ', $ids)

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    // ...

If you prefer, you can exercise fine control over your PDO connection, use a query factory, or build your queries in smaller steps:

use Atlas\Pdo\Connection;
use Atlas\Query\QueryFactory;

$connection = Connection::new(

$queryFactory = new QueryFactory();

$select = $queryFactory->newSelect($connection);
$select->where('id = ', $id);

$row = $select->fetchOne();

Atlas.Query provides the full power of SQL at your fingertips …


… along with UNIONs, paging, sub-selects, inline value binding, and all sorts of fetch and yield styles.

Atlas.Query comes with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE builders as well:

use Atlas\Query\Insert;

$insert = Insert::new($pdo);

// insert a row ...
        'title' => $title,
        'body' => $body,
    ->raw('created_at', 'NOW()')

// ... and get back the autoincrement value:
$post_id = $insert->getLastInsertId();

Do you work on different project with different database backends? Atlas.Query lets you use the same interface for them all, while not restricting you to a common subset of functionality. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server are all supported explicitly.

And if you discover you need more than just a query system, you’ll have a clear refactoring path towards Atlas.Orm. If you are looking for a modern, stable, easy-to-use query system, try Atlas.Query in your project!

You can read the Reddit commentary on this post here.

Atlas 3.x ("Cassini") and PHPStorm Completion

I’m proud to announce the release of Atlas.Orm 3.0.0-beta1, along with releases of the supporting Mapper, Table, Query, Cli, and Pdo packages. (Atlas is a data-mapper for your persistence model, not your domain model, in PHP.)

The goal for this release round was “better IDE return typehinting support” and I am happy to say that it has been a great success, though it did take some substantial renaming of classes. Unfortunately, this results in a big break from the prior alpha release; if you already have alpha-based data source skeleton classes, you will need to regenerate them with the new class names. Barring the unforeseen, this marks the first, last, and only time that regeneration will be necessary.

Read more

The Conquest Code of Conduct

If you're tired of SJW COCs in open-source projects, try this one on for size:

Conquest's Second Law: "Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing."

tl;dr: No Socialism or Social Justice.

All contributions and communication are welcome, so long as they do not (within this project space) espouse, entertain, advocate for, or otherwise positively discuss the political ideals associated with Social Justice, Progressivism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Marxism, or anything else generally reminiscent of any political philosophy to the left of Classical Liberals or Libertarians.

If you suspect or are subjected to criminal behavior within this project space, first notify the appropriate authorities; then, if you wish, you may notify the project owner. The project owner makes no promises in advance regarding accusations or complaints.

The project owner is the final arbiter on all contributions and communication within this project space.

Line Coverage in Unit Tests

The novice says, "I do not strive for 100% line coverage in tests; I only write tests for the code that is important."

The master says, "If the code is not important, why is it there at all? I will strive to test every line I write; if a line is not important, it should be removed."

(See also The Way of Testivus.)

Atlas 2.1.0 Released with "Polymorphic Association" Support

I’m happy to announce that I released Atlas 2.1.0 late yesterday. (Atlas is a data mapper for your persistence model in PHP – not your domain model.)

In addition to some minor added informational and convenience functionality, the big addition in this release is support for many-to-one relationships by reference (aka “polymorphic association”). You can see the documentation for it here.


Atlas uses SQL terms for relationships instead of OOP ones (e.g., “many-to-one” instead of “has one”). As such, the OOP term “polymorphic assocation” just wasn’t a good name for the feature.

However, some research revealed that PostgresANSI SQL has a constraint type named REFERENCES that supports the feature natively:

After trying out several alternative names, “many-to-one by reference” was a much better fit than “polymorphic association.”


Because Atlas is for the persistence model, and not for the domain model, I had to wonder if this kind of behavior belongs in the database work at all. Should it happen in the domain instead?

After working through the problem, the answer turned out to be that it has to go in the database work. You simply don’t know which foreign tables to select from in the first place, without that information being represented in a relationship description. The reference column determines what the foreign table should be. If there are different values in the reference column, then you have to select from different tables to get the related rows. That can’t happen once you’re in the domain layer; it must happen in the persistence layer.


Relationships-by-reference may not be a good data design choice if you are starting from scratch. See this 2009 presentation from Bill Karwin for some other alternatives:

These each have different tradeoffs, and in one case require that your database system supports parent tables.

Of course, if you already have a database design that uses many-to-one relationships by reference, then you’re probably stuck with it. Atlas can now help you out in this situation.

UPDATE: This Reddit comment leads me to understand that I read the REFERENCES Postgres doc too hastily. In context of the linked mailing list message, I understood "refcolumn" to be on the native table, not the foreign one. So it's a standard foreign key constraint, not a specialized/extended form provided by Postgres; I confess I find it easy to believe that Postgres often supports things that other databases do not.

You can read the Reddit commentary on this post here.


The novice says: "Nothing can ever be perfect; anything I choose will be imperfect. Therefore, all choices are equally bad, so I may choose whatever I feel like."

The master says: "Some things are less imperfect than others; I will make the least-imperfect choice that I can."

Best Practices

Best practices evolve. Even though they change, they tend to change in the direction of "better", not "worse".

The novice thinks he is an individual.

The novice says: "Best practices are always changing; why bother adhering to something that I know will change? I am free to do what I feel like without referring to best practices."

This is not freedom; it is license.

The master realizes he stands at the end of a long trail of experience and knowledge from others, that surpasses his own personal experience and knowledge.

The master says: "This is my current understanding; these are my expected circumstances; these are the known best practices; these are their tradeoffs. I will choose the best practice I can for the tradeoffs I am willing to endure."

This is not slavery; it is clear thinking.