Paul M. Jones

Don't listen to the crowd, they say "jump."

Reactionary Philosophy In An Enormous, Planet-Sized Nutshell

If you “criticize” society by telling it to keep doing exactly what it’s doing only much much more so, society recognizes you as an ally and rewards you for being a “bold iconoclast” or “having brave and revolutionary new ideas” or whatever. It’s only when you tell them something they actually don’t want to hear that you get in trouble.

Western society has been moving gradually further to the left for the past several hundred years at least. It went from divine right of kings to constutitional monarchy to libertarian democracy to federal democracy to New Deal democracy through the civil rights movement to social democracy to ???. If you catch up to society as it’s pushing leftward and say “Hey guys, I think we should go leftward even faster! Two times faster! No, fifty times faster!”, society will call you a bold revolutionary iconoclast and give you a professorship.

If you start suggesting maybe it should switch directions and move the direction opposite the one the engine is pointed, then you might have a bad time.

Source: Reactionary Philosophy In An Enormous, Planet-Sized Nutshell | Slate Star Codex

Murder Is An Urban, Not Nationwide, Problem

In 2014, the most recent year that a county level breakdown is available, 54 percent of counties (with 11 percent of the population) had no murders. 69 percent of counties had no more than one murder, and about 20 percent of the population and only 4 percent of all murders in the country.

The worst 1 percent of counties have 19 percent of the population and 37 percent of the murders in 2014. The worst 2 percent of counties contain 47 percent of the population and accounted for 51 percent of the murders. 68 percent of the murders occurred in only 5 percent of counties.

... To put it simply, murder isn’t a nationwide problem; it’s a problem in a very small set of urban areas.

Source: Murder Isn't a Nationwide Problem | RealClearPolicy

Slim and Action-Domain-Responder

I’ve had a warm place in my heart for Slim for a long time, and especially so since recognizing the Action-Domain-Responder pattern. In this post, I’ll show how to refactor the Slim tutorial application to ADR.

One nice thing about Slim (and most other HTTP user interface frameworks) is that they are already “action” oriented. That is, their routers do not presume a controller class with many action methods. Instead, they presume an action closure or a single-action invokable class. So the Action part of Action-Domain-Responder already exists for Slim. All that is needed is to pull extraneous bits out of the Actions, to more clearly separate their behaviors from Domain and the Responder behaviors.


Let’s begin by extracting the Domain logic. In the original tutorial, the Actions use two data-source mappers directly, and embed some business logic as well. We can create a Service Layer class called TicketService and move those operations from the Actions into the Domain. Doing so gives us this class:

class TicketService
    protected $ticket_mapper;
    protected $component_mapper;

    public function __construct(
        TicketMapper $ticket_mapper,
        ComponentMapper $component_mapper
    ) {
        $this->ticket_mapper = $ticket_mapper;
        $this->component_mapper = $component_mapper;

    public function getTickets()
        return $this->ticket_mapper->getTickets();

    public function getComponents()
        return $this->component_mapper->getComponents();

    public function getTicketById($ticket_id)
        $ticket_id = (int) $ticket_id;
        return $this->ticket_mapper->getTicketById($ticket_id);

    public function createTicket($data)
        $component_id = (int) $data['component'];
        $component = $this->component_mapper->getComponentById($component_id);

        $ticket_data = [];
        $ticket_data['title'] = filter_var(
        $ticket_data['description'] = filter_var(
        $ticket_data['component'] = $component->getName();

        $ticket = new TicketEntity($ticket_data);
        return $ticket;

We create a container object for it in index.php like so:

$container['ticket_service'] = function ($c) {
    return new TicketService(
        new TicketMapper($c['db']),
        new ComponentMapper($c['db'])

And now the Actions can use the TicketService instead of performing domain logic directly:

$app->get('/tickets', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $this->logger->addInfo("Ticket list");
    $tickets = $this->ticket_service->getTickets();
    $response = $this->view->render(
        ["tickets" => $tickets, "router" => $this->router]
    return $response;

$app->get('/ticket/new', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $components = $this->ticket_service->getComponents();
    $response = $this->view->render(
        ["components" => $components]
    return $response;

$app->post('/ticket/new', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $data = $request->getParsedBody();
    $response = $response->withRedirect("/tickets");
    return $response;

$app->get('/ticket/{id}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
    $ticket = $this->ticket_service->getTicketById($args['id']);
    $response = $this->view->render(
        ["ticket" => $ticket]
    return $response;

One benefit here is that we can now test the domain activities separately from the actions. We can begin to do something more like integration testing, even unit testing, instead of end-to-end system testing.


In the case of the tutorial application, the presentation work is so straightforward as to not require a separate Responder for each action. A relaxed variation of a Responder layer is perfectly suitable in this simple case, one where each Action uses a different method on a common Responder.

Extracting the presentation work to a separate Responder, so that response-building is completely removed from the Action, looks like this:


use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Slim\Views\PhpRenderer;

class TicketResponder
    protected $view;

    public function __construct(PhpRenderer $view)
        $this->view = $view;

    public function index(Response $response, array $data)
        return $this->view->render(

    public function detail(Response $response, array $data)
        return $this->view->render(

    public function add(Response $response, array $data)
        return $this->view->render(

    public function create(Response $response)
        return $response->withRedirect("/tickets");

We can then add the TicketResponder object to the container in index.php:

$container['ticket_responder'] = function ($c) {
    return new TicketResponder($c['view']);

And finally we can refer to the Responder, instead of just the template system, in the Actions:

$app->get('/tickets', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $this->logger->addInfo("Ticket list");
    $tickets = $this->ticket_service->getTickets();
    return $this->ticket_responder->index(
        ["tickets" => $tickets, "router" => $this->router]

$app->get('/ticket/new', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $components = $this->ticket_service->getComponents();
    return $this->ticket_responder->add(
        ["components" => $components]

$app->post('/ticket/new', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $data = $request->getParsedBody();
    return $this->ticket_responder->create($response);

$app->get('/ticket/{id}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
    $ticket = $this->ticket_service->getTicketById($args['id']);
    return $this->ticket_responder->detail(
        ["ticket" => $ticket]

Now we can test the response-building work separately from the domain work.

Some notes:

Putting all the response-building in a single class with multiple methods, especially for simple cases like this tutorial, is fine to start with. For ADR, is not strictly necessary to have one Responder for each Action. What is necessary is to extract the response-building concerns out of the Action.

But as the presentation logic complexity increases (content-type negotiation? status headers? etc.), and as dependencies become different for each kind of response being built, you will want to have a Responder for each Action.

Alternatively, you might stick with a single Responder, but reduce its interface to a single method. In that case, you may find that using a Domain Payload (instead of “naked” domain results) has some significant benefits.


At this point, the Slim tutorial application has been converted to ADR. We have separated the domain logic to a TicketService, and the presentation logic to a TicketResponder. And it’s easy to see how each Action does pretty much the same thing:

  • Marshals input and passes it into the Domain
  • Gets back a result from the Domain and passes it to the Responder
  • Invokes the Responder so it can build and return the Response

Now, for a simple case like this, using ADR (or even webbishy MVC) might seem like overkill. But simple cases become complex quickly, and this simple case shows how the ADR separation-of-concerns can be applied as a Slim-based application increases in complexity.

Why MVC doesn't fit the web

[MVC is] a particular way to break up the responsibilities of parts of a graphical user interface application. One of the prototypical examples is a CAD application: models are the objects being drawn, in the abstract: models of mechanical parts, architectural elevations, whatever the subject of the particular application and use is. The “Views” are windows, rendering a particular view of that object. There might be several views of a three-dimensional part from different angles while the user is working. What’s left is the controller, which is a central place to collect actions the user is performing: key input, the mouse clicks, commands entered.

The responsibility goes something like “controller updates model, model signals that it’s been updated, view re-renders”.

This leaves the model relatively unencumbered by the design of whatever system it’s being displayed on, and lets the part of the software revolving around the concepts the model involves stay relatively pure in that domain. Measurements of parts in millimeters, not pixels; cylinders and cogs, rather than lines and z-buffers for display.

The View stays unidirectional: it gets the signal to update, it reads the state from the model and displays the updated view.

The controller even is pretty disciplined and takes input and makes it into definite commands and updates to the models.

Now if you’re wondering how this fits into a web server, you’re probably wondering the same thing I wondered for a long time. The pattern doesn’t fit.

Read the rest at Why MVC doesn't fit the web.

The "Micro" Framework As "User Interface" Framework

(The following is more exploratory than prescriptive. My thoughts on this topic are incomplete and in-progress. Please try to treat it accordingly.)

tl;dr: “Micro” frameworks are better described as “user interface” frameworks; perhaps there should be corollary “infrastructure” frameworks; consider using two frameworks and/or two containers, one for the user interface and a separate one for the core application.


When we talk about “full stack” frameworks, we mean something that incorporates tools for every part of a server-side application:

  • incoming-request handling through a front controller or router
  • dispatching routes to a page controller or action (typically a class constructed through a DI container)
  • database, email, logging, queuing, sessions, HTTP client, etc.; these are used in a service, model, controller, or action to support business logic
  • outgoing-response creation and sending, often combined with a template system

Examples in PHP include Cake, CodeIgniter, Fuel, Kohana, Laravel, Opulence, Symfony, Yii, Zend Framework, and too many others to count.

When we talk about “micro” frameworks, we mean something that concentrates primarily on the request-handling and response-building parts of a server-side application, and leaves everything else out:

  • incoming-request handling through a front controller or router
  • dispatching routes to a page controller or action (typically a closure that receives a service locator, though sometimes a class constructed through a DI container)
  • outgoing-response creation and sending, often combined with a template system

Slim is the canonical PHP example here; others include Equip, Lumen, Silex, Radar, Zend Expressive, and (again) too many others to count.


I have asserted elsewhere that, in an over-the-network HTTP-oriented server-side application, the View (of Model-View-Controller) is not the template. The View is the entire HTTP response: not just the HTML or the body, but the status line, the headers, all cookies, and so on. That is, the full HTTP response is the presentation; it is the output of the server-side application.

If the HTTP response is the output, then what is the user input into the server-side application? It is not the form being submitted by the user, per se. It is not a key-press or button-click or mouse-movement. The input is the entire HTTP request, as sent by the client to the server.

That means the user interface for a server-side application is not “the HTML being viewed on the screen.” The user interface is the HTTP request and response.

Now, for the big jump:

If the user interface is the request (as input), and the response (as output), that means micro-frameworks are not so much “micro” frameworks, as they are “user interface” frameworks.

Consider that for a moment before continuing.


If it is true that “micro” frameworks are more accurately described as “user interface” frameworks, it opens some interesting avenues of thought.

For one: it means that full-stack frameworks combine user interface concerns with other concerns (notably but not exclusively infrastructure concerns).

For another: perhaps in addition to user interface (“micro”) frameworks, it would be useful to have something like a separate “infrastructure” framework. It might not even be a framework proper; it might only be a container for shared services that have no relation to any user interface concerns. (I can imagine extracting such a toolkit collection from any of the full-stack frameworks, to be offered on its own.)


Speaking of containers:

It is often the case, even with user interface (“micro”) frameworks, that developers will store their infrastructure and services objects in the framework-provided container. Or, that they will build “providers” or “configuration” for the framework-provided container, so that the container can create and retain the infrastructure and services objects.

But if it is true that the “micro” framework is a “user interface” system, why would we manage infrastructure and domain objects through a user interface container? (This a variation on “Why is your application/domain/business logic in your user interface controller?”)

Perhaps it would be better for the infrastructure and/or domain objects to be managed through a container of their own. Then that completely separate container can be injected into any user interface container. The benefit here is that the infrastructure and/or domain objects are now fully separated from the user interface layer, and can be used with any user interface framework, even one that uses a completely different container for its own user interface purposes. (This is a variation on “composition to reduce coupling.”)


To conclude:

It might be worth considering the use of two frameworks in server-side applications, each with its own container: one for the user interface concerns, and a separate one for infrastructure/domain concerns. (The latter might be composed into any user interface framework, whether one for the web or one for the command line.)

And, given that lots of application work starts mostly as infrastructure coordination, with little domain logic, having a second framework separated from the user interface makes it easier to put a boundary around the infrastructure-based application code, separating it from the user interface code. The work on each can proceed in parallel; the user interface coders can mock the results from the application layer, and build everything out on their own path, while the application coders don’t need to worry too much about presentation concerns (whether HTTP or CLI based).

Unlike some other people, I am not my code, or my books, or my blog posts. Given the tentative nature of the above essay, review and criticism (especially substantial criticism) are vital. It won’t hurt me in the least bit; indeed, I encourage it.

Thanks for reading.

The Narrowing Effect Of Diversity

Imagine, then, Culture A, with 10,000 enumerable cultural features. Because they are broadly shared by all, nobody is much offended by any of them, and so all of these features can be expressed as naturally in the public square as in the privacy of the home.

Now add a second culture, B, to the Venn diagram. The overlap is close, but not perfect; of the set of 10,000 properties in the first culture’s circle, the second culture shares 9,000 of them. However, because public expression is to be limited to the intersection of the two cultures’ properties, we have now, from the perspective of Culture A, reduced its freedom of public cultural expression by ten percent -- from its full set of 10,000 properties down to 9,000.

Now add a third culture to the mix (and a third circle to the diagram). Because the third culture is distinct from each of the other two, it will, necessarily, further shrink the number of properties common to all three sets -- and thus will further reduce the collection of common beliefs and behaviors that are available for public expression.

This means two things: first, that the more cultures you add to a society the narrower, not broader, the range of public expression becomes; and second, that there will be an ever-increasing disparity between private life (which is now the only place where the full range of cultural life is possible) and public intercourse (which necessarily grows more and more restricted).

Source: The Narrowing Effect Of Diversity – waka waka waka

The Morality of Patriotism

The simplest form of moral behavior occurs when a man fights for his own survival. Of course it is selfish ... but selfishness is the bedrock on which all moral behavior starts and it can be immoral only when it conflicts with a higher moral imperative.

The next higher level is to work, fight, and sometimes die for your own immediate family. This is the level at which a mother or father dives into a flood to save a drowning child ... and it is still moral behavior even when it fails.

The next higher level is to work, fight, and sometimes die for a group larger than the unit family - an extended family, a herd, a tribe. (The traits of duty and loyalty.)

The next level in moral behavior higher is that in which duty and loyalty are shown toward a group of your kind too large for an individual to know all of them. We have a name for that. It is called 'patriotism.'

Behaving on a still higher moral level were the astronauts who went to the Moon, for their actions tend toward the survival of the entire race of mankind. As a direct result of what they did, it is now possible that the human race will NEVER die.

(Pacifists may contend that THEIR actions are on this highest moral level. They want to put a stop to war; they say so. They live in a world of fantasy. If the human race managed its affairs sensibly, we could do without war. Yes - and if pigs had wings, they could fly. I don't know what planet those pious pacifists are talking about but it can't be the third one out from the Sun. The seeds of war are everywhere; the conflicts of interest are real and deep, and will not be abolished by pious platitudes. The best we can hope for is a precarious balance of power among the nations capable of waging total war - while endless lesser wars break out here and there.)

Excerpted, and edited to condense. (Note: Heinlein is speaking of a Nation, not a State. The two might not be interchangeable.) Via The Pragmatics of Patriotism (by Robert Heinlein)

Why I think xkcd is wrong about Free Speech

The xkcd cartoon conflates the particular and narrow protections of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution with the older, broader, more general (and, if we’re honest, somewhat nebulous) principle of freedom of speech.

It is a great mistake to imagine that these things are the same. Doing so ignores the existence of non-governmental forms of censorship, including corporate censorship (e.g. internet filtering), and popular censorship via the tyranny of the majority -- or, for that matter, the tyranny of powerful minorities!

In an open society, you personally are supposed to recognize the freedom of others to speak. Via Why I think xkcd is wrong about Free Speech – Pat Kerr – Medium

Sinatra, Bogart, and "Cool"

[Frank Sinatra] is idolized -- and obsessively studied and massively imitated -- not merely for the creation of art but for the creation of public self, for the confection of affect and biography that the artist projects onto the national screen.And what Frank Sinatra projected was: cool. And here is where the damage was done. Frank invented cool, and everyone followed Frank, and everything has been going to hell ever since.

In America, B.F., there was no cool. There was smart (as in the smart set), and urbane, and sophisticated, and fast and hip; but these things were not the same as cool.

The pre-Frank hip guy, the model of aesthetic and moral superiority to which men aspired, is the American male of the 1930s and 1940s. He is Humphrey Bogart in The Big Sleep or Casablanca or Archie Goodwin in Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe novels.

He possesses an outward cynicism, but this is understood to be merely clothing; at his core, he is a square. He fights a lot, generally on the side of the underdog. He is willing to die for his beliefs, and his beliefs are, although he takes pains to hide it, old-fashioned. He believes in truth, justice, the American way, and love. He is on the side of the law, except when the law is crooked. He is not taken in by jingoism but he is himself a patriot; when there is a war, he goes to it. He is, after his fashion, a gentleman and, in a quite modern manner, a sexual egalitarian. He is forthright, contemptuous of dishonesty in all its forms, from posing to lying. He confronts his enemies openly and fairly, even if he might lose. He is honorable and virtuous, although he is properly suspicious of men who talk about honor and virtue. He may be world-weary, but he is not ironic.

The new cool man that Sinatra defined was a very different creature. Cool said the old values were for suckers. Cool was looking out for number one always. Cool didn't get mad; it got even. Cool didn't go to war: Saps went to war, and anyway, cool had no beliefs it was willing to die for. Cool never, ever, got in a fight it might lose; cool had friends who could take care of that sort of thing. Cool was a cad and boastful about it; in cool's philosophy, the lady was always a tramp, and to be treated accordingly. Cool was not on the side of the law; cool made its own laws. Cool was not knowing but still essentially idealistic; cool was nihilistic. Cool was not virtuous; it reveled in vice.

Before cool, being good was still hip; after cool, only being bad was.

Much though I would like to be Frank, I might actually be more Bogart. Source: Things Worth Fighting For - ABC News

The Lost Tools of Learning

To learn six subjects without remembering how they were learnt does nothing to ease the approach to a seventh; to have learnt and remembered the art of learning makes the approach to every subject an open door.

Source: The Lost Tools of Learning